Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Twilight Series

After months of making fun of my co-workers for reading the wildly popular - among teenage girls, mind you - Twilight book series, I have (reluctantly at first) found myself a huge fan. I've only recently finished the first book and am swiftly reading the second. Actually let me clarify what I mean by "swiftly" real quick. The only spare time I can find to read is just before bed, and without fail every night I fall asleep after three pages. So, it's taking me awhile. For those of you that have already finished the series or are ahead of me ... please don't spoil it.

Anyway, I would love to hear what others have to say about the books. Please, chime-in with your comments, but be careful not to spoil it for me.

Been A While

We apologize that it's been so long since our last post, but we have had quite a crazy and busy month. Please tune back in this weekend for an update on Ryder's 4th birtday party, Payton's not one, but two hospital stays and of course, our beautiful cruise through the Caribbean.

Until then ...