Monday, February 1, 2010

Ryder Turns Five!

We hit a major milestone in the Bordner house ... Ryder turned five years old on January 28th! What a great five years we've had in our family. Recently, the five year curiosities have sunk in, as well as his literal and determined ways. We've been asked interesting questions like when you die, who takes you to heaven? Or, he likes to tell me "mommy, you need gas," which yes, I usually am, or "mommy, you're driving wrong; both hands need to be on top of the steering wheel."

Also as a five year old, we've learned that Ryder can help out around the house. For example, we now have a chore chart for him. We have his daily activities that he needs to accomplish by just being a part of the family, but there are also things that he can do to earn "commission." It's been fun watching him go through these ropes. One of the things he tried this weekend was undressing - and dressing - Payton. She actually let him. She laid down and he took off her jammies and diaper and then he took her back to her bedroom, and actually put a diaper on her (!), some tights, and a pink tu-tu. The only thing he had a problem with was the shirt. It was quite impressive - I even have trouble putting her diaper on!

On Sunday, we had his birthday party - inviting a whole gaggle of kids over to play and make ice cream sundaes. We had all sorts of candy and goodies to pile high on top of their big bowls of ice cream. The funny thing is, Ryder woke up this morning saying his tongue hurt ... he has a mouth full of swollen taste buds from eating too much candy yesterday. Ick.

We are so proud of our little man - that's what he is, if you haven't seen him recently, he's HUGE. Here are some pictures from his party and other birthday celebrations ...


william2233 said...

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Edward Bordner said...

I am Edward L. Bordner Jr, from the Philippines. My parents and siblings are in the USA in California.I accidentally stumbled on your site and was amazed for finding someone like my family name. I am currently a councilor in our town. Nice to know there are Bordners out there!!!