Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeremy

Jeremy turned 32 yesterday (December 2). Happy Birthday, big boy. We had a little family celebration last night after work and school, enjoying some steak, asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. We topped the night off with a scavenger hunt around the house for Jeremy to find his present. Jeremy also decided to take full advantage of his birthday and rent a scary movie. Normally I put the kibosh on those movies. Needless to say, it wasn't the best night sleep for me (and it wasn't because I had to get up with Payton).

We also celebrated Jeremy's birthday this past weekend with some friends. I arranged for a stretch limo to pick us and some friends up before dinner. It felt like prom all over again.

Here are some pics from our limo ride, dinner and the night out.


Joan/Kevin said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! My birthday is around the corner. ugh. Kirstin, your hair is sooo long! It reminds me of Jan in high school.

David and Katka said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy. You are now almost 40.