Friday, March 6, 2009

Ryder's 4th Birthday

It's been more than a month now since we celebrated Ryder's 4th birthday, I realize that, but like I said, we've been a little busy. You'll learn why in the subsequent posts.

Now onto Ryder's birthday ...

For Ryder's 4th birthday celebration we had a whole gaggle of 3 & 4 year olds over to our house for a little party time (bbq'd up some burgers and hot dogs). What constitutes a gaggle? Well, I think we ended up with 12 kids and their parents at our house. A lot of work, which is why we are so thankful that Grandpa Chris and Grandma Jan were able to make the trek over to Boise to help out! We definitely needed it.

Before the party made it over to our house, we called the local fire station and the kind firemen hosted the rowdy bunch for an hour or so. The firemen showed the kids around the fire station and talked with them about fire safety. You know, the whole "stop, drop and roll" shtick. Ryder and Jeremy even got to go for a ride in the big red engine.

Here are some pics from the celebration at our house.

Ryder and the ladies. He has lots of girl-friends. Oy. What are we in for?

Who's ready for some cupcakes?

Payton even got to invite some of her friends (Isla & Delaney) over to celebrate. Such sweet little girls.

1 comment:

The Callaway Family said...

Don't you love throwing kids birthday parties? Every year I say I will never do that again and then the next year comes and I end up stressing myself out with a huge party! The joys of being a parent:)
Hope you all are doing well in Boise. Wish we could see you guys sometime soon. Love ya!