Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ryder's Tonsils, Adenoids & Tubes

Last Tuesday Ryder had his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears. It had been a week since we were at the hospital and we kind of missed the place. We have had our fair share of hospital visits this year; enough to last a lifetime, and it's only March.
Ryder was a very brave boy in the ENT (ear, nose & throat) surgery center, and the nurses commented that he was the best kid they had seen in a very long time. He's still healing, but doing much better. He went back to school today and was so happy to be around his friends.
As you know, we've been through a lot this winter and we wanted to pause and say thanks to everyone who called/emailed and offered up their thoughts/prayers and support.
The Kearneys: Making Ryder one of their own for a few days while we were in the ER/Pediatric ICU with Payton.
The Skenes: One of the ER nurses noted that, "I have never had any patients have Mai Thai delivered to the intensive care before." To which we replied, "thats how our friends roll."
The Hamiltons: Great dinner, lots of calls and visits to the hospital, as well as a few rides to/from the airport.
The Richins: For having your baby so we could hijack your nanny for a few weeks so Miss Payton could get healthy enough to go back to the daycare germ pit. And for bringing us the yummy dinner, two days after bringing little baby Eli into this world.
Tucker and Susie Bordner: For making a last minute trip down over the weekend to help us get our house/life back in order after spending the week at the hospital with Payton. Also, installing new chandeliers and a new toilet seat which otherwise never would have happened.
Jan/Mom: Thanks again for making multiple trips to Boise to help us out (digging into your vacation time), doting on the kids, cleaning our house, and just helping us keep our sanity.

Ji Young: For sending Ryder Madagascar 2 and Bolt. We needed some new movies. We watched Space Buddies at least 15 times this week while he was home.
The Seattle Girls (Missy, Cherie, Ji Young & Dorrinda): For sending Miss Payton a new teddy & balloons while she was in the hospital.
Work: For not firing me.
Work friends: For the bag of goodies and for getting me hooked on Twilight during Payton's first hospital stint.
Here are some recent pics of the two kiddos, healthy. We hope it stays that way.

1 comment:

Crystal / Jayson said...

Such cute pics! Glad everyone is finally healthy.