Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're home again!

Miss Payton was discharged today from the hospital. We are so thankful to our dear friends here in Boise for helping us out. It's hard to be away from family during times like these, but we are fortunate to have a good group of friends that we consider our "Boise family." Thanks for the yummy food, snacks, reading material and toys for Payton ... but most of all thanks for all your support and making Ryder feel loved while we concentrate on our sick girl. It means so much to us. XOXO.


Crystal / Jayson said...

Glad to hear you guys are home again and on the mend!

Jake is still okay... so no worries!

Joan/Kevin said...

I am so relieved that Payton is out of the hospital! I hope she is on the road to complete recovery.

KristyCharlee said...

Glad to hear you're home. Little Payton will be in my thoughts and prayers for a fast and full recovery!